can you make ramen in an electric kettle?

Written by: Bdaugherty
Last Updated:


Are you a ramen lover seeking for an easy and quick method to fulfill your noodle cravings? Look no further than your trusty electric kettle! In this blog article, we’ll delve into the interesting world of preparing ramen in an electric kettle and learn how this multi-functional kitchen device may save you time and effort without sacrificing flavor. We’ll walk you through the process of making a tasty bowl of ramen using an electric kettle, whether you’re a student in a dorm room, a busy professional in need of a quick supper, or simply inquisitive about creative cooking methods. Get ready to unlock a whole new level of convenience and culinary creativity as we dive into the realm of electric kettle ramen making.

Can you make ramen in an electric kettle?

Yes, you can make ramen in an electric kettle. Indeed, an electric kettle is a useful and effective equipment for preparing ramen. It quickly brings water to a boil, which is necessary for cooking the noodles.

Steps to Make Ramen in an Electric Kettle

Making ramen in an electric kettle is surprisingly simple and efficient. Follow these easy steps to enjoy a flavorful bowl of ramen in no time:

can you make ramen in an electric kettle

Preparing the Ingredients:

  1. Gather the necessary ingredients for making ramen. Typically, you’ll need ramen noodles, a flavorful broth or soup base, and various toppings such as vegetables, proteins, and garnishes. Customize your ramen with ingredients that suit your taste preferences.
  2. To enhance the flavor of your ramen, consider using high-quality ingredients. Fresh vegetables, tender meats, and aromatic spices can elevate the overall taste and experience.

Cooking Process:

  1. Fill the electric kettle with water to the desired level. Be sure not to exceed the maximum capacity indicated by the kettle to prevent any spillage.
  2. To ensure optimal cooking results, it’s crucial to use boiling water. Most electric kettles will automatically shut off once the water reaches a boiling point. If your kettle doesn’t have an automatic shut-off feature, keep an eye on the kettle and turn it off manually when the water starts boiling.
  3. Carefully add the ramen noodles to the boiling water in the kettle. Depending on the type of noodles you’re using, cooking time may vary. Refer to the packaging instructions for the recommended cooking time. Stir the noodles occasionally to prevent sticking.
  4. While the noodles cook, prepare the ramen broth or soup base. You can use pre-packaged soup mixes or make your own from scratch using a combination of stock, seasonings, and aromatics. Adjust the flavor to your liking by adding spices, soy sauce, or other condiments.
  5. Once the noodles are cooked to your desired texture, carefully drain them using the kettle’s spout or by pouring the contents into a colander. Be cautious as the water and kettle will be hot.

 Noodle Preparation:

  1. Rinse the cooked noodles with cold water to stop the cooking process and remove any excess starch. This step helps to prevent the noodles from becoming mushy.
  2. Optionally, toss the rinsed noodles with a bit of oil to prevent sticking and keep them moist until ready to serve.

Assembly and Serving:

  1. Place the cooked and drained ramen noodles into a bowl.
  2. Pour the prepared ramen broth or soup base over the noodles, ensuring they are fully submerged. Adjust the amount of broth according to your preferred soup-to-noodle ratio.
  3. Add your desired toppings such as sliced meats, soft-boiled eggs, vegetables, nori seaweed, or green onions. Get creative and experiment with different combinations to suit your taste.
  4. Serve your homemade electric kettle ramen hot and enjoy the delightful flavors and comforting warmth of your creation.

By following these simple steps, you can enjoy a delicious bowl of ramen made with the convenience of an electric kettle. Experiment with various ingredients and seasonings to create your signature ramen recipe.

Read: Can You Cook Rice in an Electric Kettle

Alternative Options to Make Ramen

While making ramen in an electric kettle offers convenience and speed, there are alternative cooking methods you can explore if an electric kettle is not available. Here are a few options to consider:

Stovetop Cooking:

  1. The traditional stovetop method remains a popular choice for making ramen. Simply bring a pot of water to a rolling boil on your stovetop. Once the water is boiling, add the ramen noodles and cook according to the package instructions. Remember to stir occasionally to prevent sticking. Drain the noodles and assemble your ramen with your favorite broth and toppings.
  2. Stovetop cooking provides excellent control over heat, allowing you to adjust the intensity and consistency of the broth as desired. It’s a versatile method that allows you to infuse flavors and experiment with different cooking techniques.

Microwave Cooking:

  1. When time is of the essence, using a microwave to make ramen is a convenient option. Start by adding water and ramen noodles to a microwave-safe bowl. Cook the noodles in the microwave for the specified time mentioned on the packaging. Take care when handling the hot bowl after cooking. Drain the noodles and combine them with your preferred broth and toppings.
  2. Microwave cooking offers a quick and hassle-free way to prepare ramen. It’s an ideal method for those in dorm rooms, offices, or any space with limited access to a stove.

Electric Cooker:

  1. If you own an electric cooker, such as a multi-purpose rice cooker or an all-in-one cooking device, you can use it to make ramen. Simply follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cooking noodles in the cooker. Once the noodles are cooked, add the broth and toppings of your choice, and let the cooker keep the ramen warm until you’re ready to serve.
  2. Electric cookers offer the advantage of versatility, allowing you to cook a variety of dishes, including ramen. They often come with preset functions and timers, making it easier to achieve the perfect texture and flavor.

Read: why does my kettle make a popping noise

While an electric kettle offers convenience, these alternative options provide flexibility for making ramen even without one. Whether you choose stovetop cooking, microwave cooking, or utilizing an electric cooker, you can still enjoy a delicious bowl of ramen with the flavors and toppings you desire.


In conclusion, making ramen in an electric kettle opens up a world of convenience and versatility for ramen enthusiasts. The time-saving benefits, ease of use, and precise temperature control make it a fantastic option for quick and flavorful meals. However, if an electric kettle is not available, alternative methods such as stovetop cooking and microwave cooking can still deliver delicious results. Regardless of the method you choose, the joy of ramen lies in the art of personalization and experimentation. So, grab your ingredients, get creative, and enjoy the satisfaction of a steaming bowl of homemade ramen, tailored to your taste buds.


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Written By Bdaugherty

Bdaugherty is a buying guide writer for KitchenKut. She has reviewed products for a range of titles including Electric kettles, food dehydrators and cutting boards etc. she has studied nutrition, personal training, coaching, and cooking.