Akorn vs. Weber Kettle – A Comprehensive Comparison

Written by: Bdaugherty
Last Updated:


Grilling isn’t just about cooking; it’s an art form. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a weekend barbecue enthusiast, selecting the perfect grill is essential. In the world of grilling, two prominent names often come up for discussion: Akorn and Weber Kettle. But which one is the ultimate choice? This article delves into the Akorn vs. Weber Kettle comparison to provide insights into their unique features, strengths, and weaknesses. This article is a must-read if you’re a grill enthusiast, especially one who prefers charcoal grills. Prepare to ignite your passion for BBQ and make a well-informed decision for your next grilling adventure!

Akorn vs Weber Kettle: A Detailed Comparison

History and Brand Overview

Grills have a rich history; two brands that have significantly impacted are Akorn and Weber Kettle.

Akorn: Akorn is a relatively newer player in the grilling scene, but it has garnered attention with its unique approach. Unlike traditional charcoal grills, Akorn introduced the kamado-style grill, featuring ceramic insulation. This design improves heat retention and ensures even cooking, making it a favorite among grill enthusiasts. Over time, Akorn has established itself as a brand that caters to those who value innovation in their BBQ experience.

Weber Kettle: With a history dating back to the 1950s, Weber Kettle is an iconic name in the grilling world. Founded by George Stephen, the Weber Kettle was born out of a simple desire to create a better grill. This aspiration led to the invention of the dome-shaped kettle grill, which has become synonymous with backyard BBQs. Building a reputation over decades, Weber is now a trusted brand known for its reliability and unmatched grilling performance.

Design and Build Quality

When choosing a grill, the design and durability are key factors. Let’s look at how Akorn and Weber Kettle fare in these aspects.


  • Materials: Akorn grills, known for their kamado-style design, primarily use ceramic insulation. This ensures excellent heat retention and adds to the grill’s sturdiness. Stainless steel grates are used, making these grills resistant to wear and tear, ensuring they stay with you for the long haul.
  • Build: The overall structure is compact and robust. Akorn strongly emphasizes rust resistance, ensuring that the grill can withstand various weather conditions, extending its lifespan.

Weber Kettle:

  • Materials: Weber Kettle grills are primarily crafted from high-quality stainless steel, ensuring a sturdy and resilient build. The iconic dome shape, combined with stainless steel, ensures even heat distribution across the cooking surface.
  • Build: Sturdy legs, wheels for easy mobility, and robust handles underscore user-friendliness. The design reflects decades of refinement, ensuring that Weber Kettle grills stand the test of time.

When comparing Akorn vs. Weber Kettle, both offer impressive build quality. Akorn’s ceramic insulation is notable for its heat retention capabilities, while Weber Kettle’s stainless steel construction symbolizes reliability, ensuring consistent cooking results every time.

Grilling Performance

Akorn vs. Weber Kettle

The true essence of a grill is revealed in its performance. Let’s examine how Akorn and Weber Kettle stack up in this department.


  • Heat Retention: Thanks to its Kamado-style design with ceramic insulation, Akorn shines in heat retention. This ensures your food is grilled evenly, preventing cold spots and overcooking.
  • Cooking Surface: Akorn grills typically offer a spacious cooking area, allowing for direct and indirect grilling. The even heat distribution guarantees that every part of the surface is used effectively, making it suitable for various dishes, from burgers to roasts.

Weber Kettle:

  • Heat Retention: with their iconic dome shape, Weber Kettle grills are engineered for consistent heat distribution. The stainless steel construction further aids in maintaining the desired grill temperature, whether searing steaks or slow-cooking ribs.
  • Cooking Surface: The circular design of the Weber Kettle provides ample cooking space. Its grill grates are designed for even cooking, ensuring that your BBQ turns out perfectly, no matter where it’s placed.

When comparing Akorn vs. Weber Kettle grilling experiences, both deliver outstanding performance. Akorn’s strength lies in its exceptional heat retention, making it ideal for extended cooking sessions. Meanwhile, Weber Kettle’s consistent cooking and temperature stability have made it a preferred choice for many BBQ enthusiasts.

Read: kettle joe vs Weber kettle

Features and Accessories

Every grill enthusiast understands that while the core grilling performance is crucial, additional features and accessories can significantly enhance the BBQ experience. Let’s explore what Akorn and Weber Kettle offer beyond the basics.


  • Unique Features: Akorn grills have a built-in temperature gauge for easy heat monitoring. They also feature adjustable top and bottom dampers, allowing for precise temperature control and ensuring your dishes are perfectly grilled.
  • Accessories: Akorn’s standout feature is its ash management system, making post-BBQ cleanup a breeze. The brand also offers a range of compatible accessories, including grill covers, side tables, and even pizza stones, to take your grilling to the next level.

Weber Kettle:

  • Unique Features: Weber Kettle grills feature a One-Touch cleaning system, simplifying ash removal. The heat shield on the lid handle enhances safety by preventing accidental burns.
  • Accessories: Weber offers an extensive range of accessories, from grill covers to chimney starters for quick coal ignition. They also provide specialized tools like rib racks and vegetable baskets for various grilling needs.

In the Akorn vs. Weber Kettle comparison, both brands excel in enhancing the user experience. Akorn focuses on precise temperature control and easy cleanup, while Weber Kettle offers a wide array of accessories and user-friendly features like the heat shield for added safety.

Read: Why Electric Kettles Blow Fuses


In the grilling world, Akorn and Weber Kettle shine, each bringing its unique strengths to the BBQ table. Akorn impresses with its kamado-style design and heat retention, while Weber Kettle’s rich history and extensive accessory range are equally compelling. Ultimately, your choice depends on your grilling preferences and which features resonate with you most. Remember, a great grill isn’t just about performance; it’s about the memories you create and the delicious dishes you perfect. Whether you’re a fan of Akorn or a Weber Kettle enthusiast, choose the grill that aligns with your BBQ vision and lets the flavors take center stage.


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Written By Bdaugherty

Bdaugherty is a buying guide writer for KitchenKut. She has reviewed products for a range of titles including Electric kettles, food dehydrators and cutting boards etc. she has studied nutrition, personal training, coaching, and cooking.